Computer Club

The GVR Computer Club provides classes, lectures, on-site equipment and one-to-one assistance to members of Green Valley Recreation, Inc. who share an interest in PC and Mac computers, tablets, smartphones, and Microsoft, Linux, and Apple software.

GVR and Computer Club membership are both required for site use and online events.

Please join us for these outstanding membership benefits.

Hours and Location

Club Highlights


8 AM until Noon Monday through Friday


921 W. Via Rio Fuerte

Green Valley, AZ 85614

Phone: 520-625-4508

The GVR Computer Club is located on the upper level of the Santa Rita Springs Recreation Center between the Photography Club and the Anza Room.

Computer Club Members: 

Please login for event descriptions and Zoom links.

Next General Meeting:

Monday, April 1 at 1:30 

in the Anza Room


"Many Ways to Pay"

Judy Taylour of APCUG will join us via Zoom and orient us to the world of digital online payment methods.

Open to All GVR Members


Upcoming Events

Copyright, GVR Computer Club

GVR Computer Club
Santa Rita Springs
921 W Via Rio Fuerte

Green Valley, AZ 85614


GVR Computer Club
Santa Rita Springs
921 W Rio Via Fuerte


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